
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pop Culture Nazis


Vril, the Power of the Coming Race is an 1871 novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, originally printed as The Coming Race. Many readers believe that its account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril" is accurate, to the extent that some theosophists accepted the book as truth. 

A popular book, The Morning of the Magicians (1960) suggested that a secret Vril Society existed in pre-Nazi Berlin.

Plot summary

The novel centers on a young, independently wealthy traveler (the narrator), who accidentally finds his way into a subterranean world occupied by beings who seem to resemble angels and call themselves Vril-ya.

The hero soon discovers that the Vril-ya are descendants of an antediluvian civilization who live in networks of subterranean caverns linked by tunnels.

It is a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being the "all-permeating fluid" called "Vril", a latent source of energy which its spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree which depends upon their hereditary constitution, giving them access to an extraordinary force that can be controlled at will.

The powers of the will include the ability to heal, change, and destroy beings and things; the destructive powers in particular are awesomely powerful, allowing a few young Vril-ya children to wipe out entire cities if necessary.

It is also suggested that the Vril-ya are fully telepathic.

The narrator states that in time, the Vril-ya will run out of habitable spaces underground and start claiming the surface of the Earth, destroying mankind in the process if necessary. 



In the other main symbolic system of our pop culture, the world of comic books, things were dealt with in a very intriguing way when you think about it. Hitler himself was always depicted cartoonishly, as in the classic 1941 cover where Captain America makes his "smashing" debut:

However once the war was over the stories marched on, and the eternal villiany of Nazism continued in the form of Captain America's arch nemesis, the Red Skull.

Here we find the first exploration of the secret occult side to the Reich, as the Red Skull's main goal for decades was controlling the Cosmic Cube, a Holy Grail that allows he who holds it to shape reality- provided his will is strong enough to control this ultimate power. Marvel Comics Mastermind Stan Lee was injecting the much-debated "Vril" theory into his mythos via the Cosmic Cube.

In the neo mythologized lore of Nazism, the Vril "was" the secret power that the SS equated with the Grail and only the Aryan race had the will power (through superior blood) to wield it.

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race is a 1871 science fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, originally printed as The Coming Race. Many early readers believed that its account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril" was accurate, to the extent that some theosophists accepted the book as truth.

Since 1960 there has been a conspiracy theory about a secret Vril Society.

The novel centers on a young, independently wealthy traveler (the narrator), who accidentally finds his way into a subterranean world occupied by beings who seem to resemble angels and call themselves Vril-ya.

The hero soon discovers that the Vril-ya are descendants of an antediluvian civilization who live in networks of subterranean caverns linked by tunnels. It is a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being the "all-permeating fluid" called "Vril", a latent source of energy which his spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree which depends upon their hereditary constitution, giving them access to an extraordinary force that can be controlled at will. The powers of the will include the ability to heal, change, and destroy beings and things; the destructive powers in particular are awesomely powerful, allowing a few young Vril-ya children to wipe out entire cities if necessary. It is also suggested that the Vril-ya are fully telepathic.

Later comics writers would go on to use Stan the Man's formula, with great success particularly as seen in the first Hellboy film, where the SS Vril experiments are about interdimensional gateways to Dark Forces of the Lovecraftian persuasion. Other theories have Vril as the secret power behind the Nazi UFOs...

...which supposedly allowed them to reach the moon despite losing the war... well as providing the miracle energy to be used for all kinds of futuristic fun devices...

...and please note the coincidence of the Vril UFOs with beautiful Aryan women. This is a major clue as to what was really going on...

The woman in the above photo is the mysterious Maria Orsec. The following site has these details about her:

Maria Orsic, also known as Maria Orschitsch was a famous medium who became the leader of the Vril Gesellschaft. She was born in Vienna (Austria). In the year 1919 Maria moved to Munich, was in contact with the Thule Gesellschaft, and soon she created her own circle together with Traute A. from Munich and several other friends: the “Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik”, official name of the Vril Gesellschaft. All of them were young ladies, which among other things were against the arising fashion of short hair-styles for women. Both Maria and Traute were beautiful ladies with very long hair; Maria was blond and Traute was brown-haired. 

They had long horse tails, a very uncommon hairstyle at that time. This became a disctinctive characteristic in all the women who integrated Vril which was maintained till May 1945. They believed that their long hair acted as cosmic antennae to receive alien communication from beyond. In public, however, they hardly ever exhibited the hair in horse tail style. For identification, Vril members (also called “Vrilerinnen”) wore a disk which represented the two mediums: Maria Orsic and Sigrun.

Who were these women, exactly? Some say they are witches from Atlantis, Lemuria, and/or the Hollow Earth. They themselves claimed to be living vessels for Vril waves coming from deep space.

In December 1919 a small group of persons from Thule, Vril and DHvSS (Men of the black stone) rented a small forester’s lodge in the vicinity of Berchtesgaden (Germany) where they met, accompanied by Maria Orsic and another medium who is only known as Sigrun. Maria claimed to have received mediumistically transmissions in a secret German Templar script – a language unknown to her – containing technical data for the construction of a flying machine. Vril documents mention these telepathic messages had their origin in Aldebaran, a solar system 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. She had two piles of papers: one with the Templar script, the other with a legible writing. Maria suspected the second pile would be written in an ancient eastern language and therefore she could be aided by the “Panbabylonists”, a circle close to the Thule society which was integrated by Hugo Winckler, Peter Jensen, Friedrich Delitzsch and others. It turned out that the apparently misterious language was actually ancient Summerian and hence the language of the ancient Babylonian culture founders. Sigrun, from the Vril gesellschaft helped translate the language and decipher the strange mental images of a circular flight machine.

In December 1943 Maria attended, together with Sigrun, a meeting held by Vril at the seaside resort of Kolberg. The main purpose of the meeting was to deal with the “Aldebaran project”. The Vril mediums had received precise information regarding the habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and they were willing to plan a trip there. 

This project was discussed again the 22nd January 1944 in a meeting between Hitler, Himmler, Dr. W. Schumann (scientist and professor in the Technical University of Munich) and Kunkel of the Vril Gesellschaft. It was decided that a Vril 7 “Jäger” would be sent through a dimension channel independent of the speed of light to Aldebaran. 

According to N. Ratthofer (writer), a first test flight in the dimension channel took place in late 1944. The test flight almost ended in disaster because after the flight the Vril 7 looked “as if it had been flying for a hundred years”. Its outer skin looked aged and had suffered damages in several places.

Maria Orsic disappeared in 1945. The 11th of March of 1945 an internal document of the Vril Gesellschaft was sent to all its members; a letter written by Maria Orsic. The letter ends: “niemand bleibt hier” (noone is staying here). This was the last announcement from Vril, and since then noone heard again from Maria or the rest of members. It is speculated they escaped to Aldebaran.

Maria and company may not have fled into outer space; it could have been an interdimensional trip. Before you laugh, consider for a second the mysterious Vril device known as the Nazi Bell:

One of the mystery's of World War II is that of the Nazi Bell. Not only the Bell, but the man who was in charge of the project Hans Kammler both disappeared from the face of the earth at the end of the war. The Bell device consisted of two counter rotating cylindrical containers. The containers were positioned one above the other. They were filled with both cryogenically cooled and frozen Mercury metal. There was a frozen core of a metallic paste, which served as a high permeability material for an electromagnetic gravitational field also called vortex compression.
The Nazi's were always interested in developing special weapons that they could use. The Bell was one of those projects. How important was the Bell project? It is said that Kammler had more than 60 scientists associated with the project executed to protect it's secrecy.
In 1945 Kammler had the Bell removed from its hidden tunnel on the Polish-Chech border and he and the Bell disappeared to never be seen again. It is said the Kammler had the Bell loaded onto a cargo plane and flown out to either South America or Antarctica.

In 1952 and again in 1953, George Adamski took photographs of a UFO that looked very similar to the Nazi Bell. It is said that the object that crashed at Kecksburg, PA. in 1965 resembled the Bell, too. While Betty and Barney Hill were under hypnosis,they both claimed that the aliens they encountered looked like Nazi's in SS uniforms. Science Fiction or fact?

Die Glocke (German for "The Bell") was a purported top secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or Wunderwaffe. Allegedly an experiment carried out by Third Reich scientists working for the SS in a German facility known as Der Riese ("The Giant") near the Wenceslaus mine and close to the Czech border, Die Glocke is described as being a device "made out of a hard, heavy metal" approximately 9 feet wide and 12 to 15 feet high having a shape similar to that of a large bell. According to Cook, this device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be "filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color. This metallic liquid was code-named "Xerum 525" and was otherwise cautiously "stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead". Additional substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as Leichtmetall (light metal), "included thorium and beryllium peroxides". Cook describes Die Glocke as emitting strong radiation when activated, an effect that supposedly led to the death of several unnamed scientists and various plant and animal test subjects. Based upon certain external indications, Witkowski speculates that the ruins of a metal framework in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (aesthetically dubbed "The Henge") may have once served as test rig for an experiment in "anti-gravity propulsion" generated with Die Glocke.

Things like this need to be seen in terms of penetrating the Curtain Between Worlds. The Vril radiations of the Bell could have opened up a crack into what is erroneously called the Hollow Earth. Hitler and his inner circle believed in this extreme form of geocentrism. Nazi cosmology posited that the planet "is" hollow with entrances at the poles and elsewhere, stealing the theory straight from esoteric cosmologists without caring for the scientific inconsistencies it raised.

Hitler liked this theory because it implied that the Hidden Aryan Masters inside were just waiting for the Third Reich to clean up the surface before emerging to annoint Adolph as King of the World. Making contact with these characters in Tibet (where a secret elect guarded a door into the underworld) was the whole purpose of Himmler's missions to the Himalayas

The supreme will power of the monks to create tulpa matter out of pure thought energy was again part of the larger Vril plot level.

The most interesting thing about this whole Hollow Earth/Tibet program is how it coexisted uncomfortably with the alternate Norse cosmology that Hitler also backed as a "true" description of the world. For the Teutonic plot level faction, the universe was about eternal, alternating cycles of fire and ice that create and destroy worlds endlessly. Hitler used the Viking software in his operating system without fear of it contradicting the Vril software. In their landmark book The Morning of the Magicians, Pauwels and Bergier sum up the chaotic scene this triggered inside the Nazi intellectual elite:
The followers of Horbinger, the believers in the Universe of eternal ice, won the day. Bender was thrown in a concentration camp and died there. He was thus a martyr to the theory of the hollow earth. It would be impossible to believe at one and the same time in a Cosmos where ice and fire are in eternal conflict, and in a hollow globe surrounded by an infinite expanse of rock. Hitler was asked to decide between them. His answer gives food for thought: “Our conception of the world need not be coherent. They may both be right.”

For further explorations regarding Nazi occultism, I recommend this site:
Let's turn now to focus more on the Teutonic Legends and Holy Grail mysteries. As everyone knows, the symbolism and pageantry of the Reich all boils down to Richard Wagner.

His revival of German national identity through a marriage of the Norse myths with a quasi-Christian Grail narrative shaped the ideological world Hitler was born into and grew up within. Secret Societies of the time provided the perfect allegorical ritual, as explained by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke in his Occult Roots of Nazism:
The ceremony and ritual of the Germanenorden demonstrate its strange synthesis of racist, masonic, and Wagnerian inspiration. A surviving ritual document from 1912 describes the initiation. While novices waited in an adjoining room, the brothers assembled in the ceremonial room of the lodge. The Master took his place at the front flanked on either side by two Knights wearing white robes and helmets adorned with horns and leaning on their swords. At the back of the room in the grove of the Grail stood the Bard in a white gown, before him the Master of Ceremonies in a blue gown. Other lodge brothers stood in a semicircle around him. Behind the grove of the Grail was a music room where harmonium and piano were accompanied by a small choir of “forest elves”.

The ceremony began with the Pilgrim’s Chorus from Wagner’s Tannhauser. The ritual commenced in candlelight with brothers making the sign of the swastika and the Master reciprocating. Then the blindfolded novices, clad in pilgrimage mantles, were ushered by the Master of Ceremonies into the room. Here the Master told them of the Order’s Ario-Germanic and aristocratic heritage, before the Bard lit the sacred flame in the grove and the novices were divested of their mantles and blindfolds. At this point the Master seized Wotan’s spear and held it before him, while the two Knights crossed their swords upon it. A series of calls and responses, accompanied by music from Lohengrin, completed the oath of the novices. Their consecration followed with cries from the “forest elves” as the new brothers were led into the grove of the Grail around the Bard’s sacred flame. With the ritual personifying lodge officers as archetypal figures in Germanic mythology, this ceremonial must have exercised a potent influence on the candidates.

It's all about energizing the Vril within the nervous system. Hitler and company just took these types of ritual procedures out of the dark and into the light, making them into mass hypnosis rallies for group mystification. Things like the Spear of Destiny and the Blood Banner served as ritual focus points to be used as Vril energy collectors.

The esoteric linkage between medieval warriors and the SS was at the core of these fantasies for the likes of Himmler, who fancied himself a reborn Teutonic sorcerer...

I am amused at how "straight" historians object to these romantic revisionings of Nazism, as in this rant by Mattias Grandell:
In documentaries portraying the Third Reich, Hitler is cast as a master magician; these documentaries typically include scenes in which Hitler is speaking at huge mass meetings. [...] Cuts mix Hitler screaming with regiments marching under the sign of the swastika. Instead of providing a translation of his verbal crescendos, the sequence is overlaid with a speaker talking about something different. All this combines to demonize Hitler as an evil wizard spellbinding an unwitting German people to become his zombified servants until they are liberated from the spell by the Allied victory after which, suddenly, there were no German Nazis left among the populace. How convenient it would be if this image were correct. National socialism could be defeated with garlic. Watchdog groups could be replaced with a few vampire killers, and resources being directed into anti-racist community programs could be directed at something else.

The fact is that no establishment historian has ever been able to explain Hitler, nor can they understand why his master program of Propaganda Matrix Control has defined so much of the collective consciousness since he published it in Mein Kampf. I am talking of course about the Protocols of Zion, the mother of all conspiracies, which Hitler took from being an obscure antisemitic tract and turned it into Gospel Truth for millions of people who continue to believe it fervently right up to this moment.

Or, as they should actually be known, the Protocols of Hitler.

It is a psychic virus that has spread throughout the mind of humanity, sealed with the horrors of Holocaust, strenghtened by the Middle East crisis which for the past sixty years has only increased public belief in the Protocols. Since his death in 1945, the psychic coin given to Hitler by every use of the word "Zionist" has kept his Vril growing like a cancer on the brain of Mother Earth.

In the past decade especially, the power given to Nazism through modern Conspiracy theories and the spread of antisemitism has reached critical mass. Human evil has been redefined by the Apocalyptic pressures of our time.

This has grown to such an extent that the old Forces of Darkness can no longer call the shots in Hell. Satan has been replaced by The Thing That Was Hitler.


And now all the cosmic chi coin you spend blaming the Jews or the Illuminati or whomever goes directly into an infernal Nazi bank account. Any fear or anger or resentment towards your fellow man feeds not the Devils of ancient lore, but the sadists of recent memory, who now sit dining on your emotions at the dinner tables in Hell.

And this new living Hell of Nazism is connected to one final, troubling psychic frontier, as explained by "Her Majesty", a dominatrix blogger:

In the process of reading I found myself ruminating on how the Nazi regime has influenced our collective imagination about BDSM. It goes without saying that the Germans set the bar for institutionalized sadism of the most shocking and barbarous caliber during their brief conquest of Europe. The grisly legacy they left behind is about as far from sexy as anything I can possibly imagine. But evil in its purest form never fails to fascinate and the Nazi cult of blood did have it’s fetish kitsch aspects; tall leather jackboots, long leather trench coats, the ubiquitous riding crop, the ominous death’s-head insignia, the silver lightning bolts designating the letters; “SS”, etc. The powerful symbols of Nazi iconography have not been lost on the BDSM practitioners of today. Many a Mistress has been known to add a bit of fascist “bling” to her outfit in order to create the proper ambiance, especially if she is conducting an interrogation scene.


This is without a doubt the Ultimate taboo in our world. Nazi fetishism is charged with Vril, wielding an electromagnetic power that short-circuits the rational mind and opens up the visceral darkness. As you may or may not know, the BDSM scene has never been more popular.


This dark power is surging through our collective consciousness now, threatening to upend our civilization as we proceed into the final days of the End Times.

The spectre of the Vril haunts tabloid magazines with Nazi witches like the one who ruined the marriage of Sandra Bullock, "America's sweetheart":


And if the sexy Nazism doesn't get your psychic coin, the political spin probably will:


The Thing That Was Hitler rules the minds of those on the right who hate socialism (shown in the above example) as well as dominating the perceptions of those on the left who hate the rich:


There are many ways in which we are vulnerable to the energetic Vril tentacles of the Beast: Lust, hate, fear, greed, intolerance. And there is only one way to defeat The Thing That Was Hitler: You must take in all of the evils and horrors of Nazism, keeping conscious of it all, facing the Beast eye to eye...and laugh.

Comment by HUman on February 29, 2012 at 7:34am
Did not know of the women Maria. but I do know of the "bell". as well as the star gate thingy, I just forget the location of where the star gate is located. I know there are a few places that have them still standing, and I know they started popping up around WW2.

My personal End Times mission involves (among other things) providing an Apocalypse Code anti-dote to the Nazi Ragnarok scheme.

How do you deal with the conscious rejection of light?
Never underestimate Nazi ambition! They remain an enduring Apocalyptic threat...
Ommi, your sentiments are of course True as a general principle, but in the specific case of Hitler we should be very cautious. His darkness swallows all light, leading down into the frozen Hel of Niflheim from which there is no escape. In the Nazi soul, "beauty" equals "sublime horror".



once the war was over the stories marched on, and the eternal villiany of Nazism continued in the form of Captain America's arch nemesis, the Red Skull.
 Here we find the first exploration of the secret occult side to the Reich, as the Red Skull's main goal for decades was controlling the Cosmic Cube, a Holy Grail that allows he who holds it to shape reality- provided his will is strong enough to control this ultimate power. Marvel Comics Mastermind Stan Lee was injecting the much-debated "Vril" theory into his mythos via the Cosmic Cube. In the neomythologized lore of Nazism, the Vril "was" the secret power that the SS equated with the Grail and only the Aryan race had the will power (through superior blood) to wield it.

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