Denis Doyle—Getty Images
Wild horses are rounded up in the hills on the eve the Rapa das Bestas festival in Sabucedo, Spain. Wild horses are brought down from the mountains in the festival to be tamed in Sabucedo and re-relased to the wilderness with a new micro chip attached.
Muhammed Muheisen—AP
A horse with a local Pakistani mobile number painted on it is left for rent on a roadside on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan.
A grey seal comes for a closer look at a group of divers at the Farne Islands, England. The Farne Islands, which are run by the National Trust, are situated two to three miles off the Northumberland coastline. The archipelago of 16-28 separate islands (depending on the tide) make the summer home to approximately 100,000 pairs of breeding seabirds including around 36,000 Puffins, 32,000 Guillemots and 2,000 pairs of Arctic Terns.
A southern right whale, known in Spanish as 'ballena franca austral,' jumps out of the water in the Atlantic Sea near Argentina's Patagonian village of Puerto Piramides. The whales regularly come to breed and calve in this marine reserve from June to December.
Elmer Martinez—AFP/Getty Images
A red forehead parrot in its cage in the Animal Rescue Center at the National Zoo, some 16 km south of Managua. The Nicaraguan National Zoo opened the first shelter rehabilitation for wild animals rescued from illegal trafficking of endangered species, with support from the government, businessmen and the United States.
Johanes Eisele—AFP/Getty Images
Heidi the cross-eyed opossum is pictured in her new enclosure at the zoo in Leipzig, eastern Germany. Cross-eyed Heidi made the headlines in December 2010 and became an internet hit, winning more than 65,000 "friends" on Facebook.
Animal Magic: Captivating Creatures - LightBox